Offerings & Services


    The monthly beginner-level temple night event for all genders. The energy is slow & soft and invites you to courageously meet yourself and other participants in body, heart and consciousness. Nothing has to happen during these events. You are invited to get to know yourself better while having a lovely evening with other beings in one of Berlin’s most-loved event locations.


    The monthly gathering for those who are experienced and know themselves well in erotic and spiritual spaces. In these events we gather more ceremonially to make space for the unknown. We invite beings who feel comfortable with full nudity (never a requirement, just many like to get naked) and solid with feeling and expressing their needs and boundaries.


    Each year I hold several retreats for women and men around the themes of embodied leadership and erotic aliveness in Europe. The 2024 dates will be revealed soon. I’m excited to announce some big collaborations and hold in-person retreats in Germany, Finland and New Zealand. leave your email below if you wish to receive all the information once registrations open.

1-1 online mentoring

If you want to dive deep with me and are ready for a  transformation that includes ALL your layers, from body to heart, personal to soul, reach out to inquire about private mentorship.

These journeys are at least 3 months long and start at 1500€ (with payment plan options). If you feel called to work with me, you can sign up for a potential discovery call with me.

what they say…